Established in 2008
Creative Juice Group LLC
This company was born with a merger and rebranding of FLASH Art Ventures and Sandy O Studio. Creative, juicy, fun, performers, actors and artists all combined to form a collective of talents that this region had not yet seen.
Our Mission
To provide cutting edge, interactive decor, and performances that are fresh, invigorating and new.
/about us
a little about the creative mind behind "the JUICE"
Sandy O
Born and raised a Philly girl, this lady lived a bit in Hawaii and then landed in Hollywood where she spent some time working in the movie and TV commercial industry. Returning to her home town in the late 90s she opened Sandy o Studio. To learn more about Sandy go to www.sandyostudio.com
"My goal is to work creatively for as long as I am able. MY wish is to provide a place where talented individuals can come to work every day and DO WHAT WE LOVE. My passion for art is the driving force behind this business, without that passion this would just be a job. I love what I do, I take pride in my work, and I employ folks with the same values and work ethic as myself. It is this pride and dedication that makes the Creative Juice product so special. We take this work very seriously because it is so much a part of who we are and this is what makes our performances so unique to each event. There is a lot of hard work that happens before we perform, but we are determined to bring FUN and WOW to every show. The reward for all of that hard work is the smiles we bring to faces of our audiences. We are so grateful for the people who support us and cheer us on!"